AARP Tax Aid
Sit & Stitch
Do you need a break and are looking for somewhere calm and soothing? Sit & Stitch is a time specifically to bring your current needlecraft project (knitting, crochet, needlepoint, cross-stitch, tatting, crewel, etc.) to work quietly with others.
Sunday, 1/19 @ 1 pm (Room F)
Artist Jeff Koons Birthday: Passive art crafts
Celebrate the art of Jeff Koons, an American POP artist who is famous for giant balloon-type sculptures. Come craft with balloon-inspired paper art today.
Tuesday, 1/21 All Day (Story Barn)
Tai Chi
Tai Chi is a moving meditation conducted through a sequence of gentle movements that promote harmony between mind and body. Registration is required and space is limited.
Tuesday, 1/21 @ 10 am (Room F)
Teen Digital Art Workshop (Ages 12-18)
Teens- come try out different ways to create Digital Art! Free. Please register.
Tuesday, 1/21 @ 6 pm (Room E)