Teen Services

Upcoming Teen Events at SCPL

Teen Shakespeare Renaissance Dance Workshop

Teen Shakespeare Renaissance Dance Workshop

Teens- Join Shakespeare & Co for lessons on dances from Shakespeare's time!
Please register.  Teens ages 12-18y only please.

Tuesday, 4/1 @ 6 pm (Room C)

Chair Yoga

Chair Yoga

With a chair beside us or under us, we will move through a variety of postures which will stretch, strengthen and finally, relax us. Modifications to the postures will be offered for those who want a more vigorous practice (yes, chair yoga can be vigorous!) as well as those with mobility limitations.

Thursday, 4/3 @ 6:30 pm (Room F)

Welcome to Teen Services! Teens love coming to our library! The library allows our teens a place for building social relationships and leadership skills. Any teens 12-18 years old are encouraged to get involved. Please see the event calendar for all teen events. For more information, contact the Teen Librarian at: Lauren@scottpublib.org

Watch these videos on some of our Teen Programs!