Teen Services
Upcoming Teen Events at SCPL

Teen Shakespeare Renaissance Dance Workshop
Teens- Join Shakespeare & Co for lessons on dances from Shakespeare's time!
Please register. Teens ages 12-18y only please.
Tuesday, 4/1 @ 6 pm (Room C)
Teens- Join Shakespeare & Co for lessons on dances from Shakespeare's time!
Please register. Teens ages 12-18y only please.
Tuesday, 4/1 @ 6 pm (Room C)

Chair Yoga
With a chair beside us or under us, we will move through a variety of postures which will stretch, strengthen and finally, relax us. Modifications to the postures will be offered for those who want a more vigorous practice (yes, chair yoga can be vigorous!) as well as those with mobility limitations.
Thursday, 4/3 @ 6:30 pm (Room F)
With a chair beside us or under us, we will move through a variety of postures which will stretch, strengthen and finally, relax us. Modifications to the postures will be offered for those who want a more vigorous practice (yes, chair yoga can be vigorous!) as well as those with mobility limitations.
Thursday, 4/3 @ 6:30 pm (Room F)
We'll highlight topics of interest and share ideas that matter to you and your peers. Join in and let your voice be heard. Tell your friends! Have a blog to share? Send me an email at Lauren@scottpublib.org.
Hi everyone! My name is Lauren and I’m the Teen Librarian here at the Scott County Public Library in Georgetown, Kentucky. Growing up in Georgetown, my first introduction to the library was through the bookmobile and then through the Main Street location, and then onto our current building, though it certainly has changed since then too! I’ve had the pleasure of being a patron, then an intern, and now an employee of the Scott County Public Library, and while I’ve enjoyed working at other libraries, I am so happy to be home! I wanted to share a little about me and what I do here at the library.
As the Teen Librarian, I oversee the Young Adult Collection by purchasing new titles and keeping the collection up to date. But even more important than the books (and I do love the books) is the teen programming that I coordinate in conjunction with the Teen Advisory Board, or TAB. As the staff supervisor for TAB, I have the pleasure of working closely with teens who are enthusiastic and bright as we create programs that appeal to many teens across Scott County.
This teen space is here for you, just like me! So if you have some thoughts you want to share, some artwork, or book recommendations, we’d love to put those up for you! Email me at lauren@scottpublib.org!
March 2023 - A Moment with Lauren
As you walk through the Teen collection at the Scott County Public Library, you may notice some of the books have a new addition to their spines. A pizza sticker! Why is there a pizza sticker on these books? Well, let me tell you.
There are few things I love more than pizza. It’s the greatest food in my opinion because you can put anything on it and it will be delicious. Pepperoni pizza? Amazing. Fruit pizza on a sugar cookie crust? Nothing better. I’ve even had a chicken Caesar salad pizza, which was incredible. So yes, pizza is amazing. So when it comes time to share my favorite books, what better way could I represent that than with pizza?
The books with pizza stickers are books that I, or other staff here at the library, have read and found exceptional. These are the books that stick with me, that I read over and over, or that impacted my life and made me really think. Books that I look back on fondly or that challenge me to look deeper into a subject. Some of these books are award winners, some are classics, some are written by my favorite authors, some are based off my favorite stories, like King Arthur, Robin Hood, or Greek mythology. There are even a few non-fiction options among my favorite fantasies.
Will you find these books worthy of a pizza sticker? Maybe, maybe not. But the next time you’re in need of a literary adventure or you find yourself wanting to nibble something new, there’s a book with a pizza sticker waiting for you.
You can always reach me at lauren@scottpublib.org for any questions!
See you soon!
December 2021 - A Moment with Lauren
Another year is winding to a close and I’m not sure where the time went! I’m not usually one for New Year’s resolutions (who can actually stick to those?) but I do usually set a few soft goals to keep in mind for the new year.
One goal I set and keep in recent years has been my reading goal. My friend challenged me to read 200 books this past year and I am proud to report that I am at 212 and still reading about five books. (Does anyone else read multiple books at once? I do it all the time but then I tend to twist the storylines together and I forget what the actual plot was. Oh well. My version is usually more fun anyway!) This year I’ve been inspired by BookTok to create a reading tracker. I’ve never done bullet journaling before, and I’m not entirely convinced I’ll keep up with it but I’m enjoying the set-up process so far! My reading goal for 2022 is a whopping 225 books. I like to remind myself that picture books absolutely count when the deadline creeps up!
Another goal I like to participate in setting is one of intentions. Last year, I wrote myself a letter and sealed it with a wax seal, to open on New Year's Eve. I don’t really remember what I wrote but I know in general I asked to be kind to myself and others, to be open to new experiences, and to continue to celebrate the small things. I think at times we get so caught up, especially around the holidays, of hurry here, run there, finals, shopping, parties, presents! It can be easy to forget to be kind to ourselves when we’re trying to be kind to others. And now, with compassion fatigue at a high, it can be especially difficult. So, as we wind down the year, take a moment to settle, drink some cocoa, curl up in a fluffy blanket, read a book. Listen to “I Want a Hippopotamus for Christmas” and laugh. (It’s the best Christmas song and anyone who says otherwise is wrong.)
This is Lauren, signing off. If you have any questions about upcoming events in January, or you’re in the market for a good book but don’t know where to start, send me an email at lauren@scottpublib.org.
October 2021 - A Moment with Lauren
It’s October now and I will gladly admit to this month being my favorite. There’s just something special in the air, as Fall settles in and the whole world seems to slow down for just a bit. And of course, who can resist spooky season? Whether you lean into the horror or settle for a smaller fright, there’s something for you at the library! Need a study break? Join virtually as Mercedes and I crochet some Peep Pillows with a spooky twist. Or register to join us at our in-person Teen Programs, including the Teen “Beetlejuice” Halloween Party. How about a study aid? Don’t forget about the online resources the library has, including Tutor.com. Or maybe you just want a book to read as the leaves fall? Well, we definitely have you covered there. As for me, I’ll be rereading Stoker’s Dracula. It seems like every time I read it, something spooky happens, so it feels a little like tempting fate but how could I resist the OG vamp in the spookiest of months? You can always reach me at lauren@scottpublib.org for any questions!
June/July 2021 - A Moment with Lauren
Let’s TACO bout summer!!!!
Summer is FINALLY here and I am so excited! Summer means swimming, hiking, camping and the most fun of all – SUMMER READING!!! (Cue fanfare!) I know, I know. Some of you are rolling your eyes. BUT did you know that you can win prizes for reading if you enroll in the library’s summer reading program? It’s so easy! You log into Beanstack, enter in the amount of time you read, and boom! You’re entered in a weekly raffle for prizes. The more you read, the better your chances. Did I mention that all reading counts? Novels, graphic novels, manga, e-books, audiobooks, magazines – all of it counts! Have to read a book for school? That counts too! Also, I’m doing some goofy things you can watch, like Can She Cupcake??, where I attempt to follow along with a cupcake decorating book. Or if you want to try to learn a new skill, join me for Teen Crochet 101. Want to get outside and enjoy the weather? Make sure you sign up for the Tails, Tales, and Epic Trails: Teens vs. Staff Walk to Mordor challenge! Record your miles walked with me and see if the teens of Scott County or the staff of the Scott County Public Library get closer to Mordor! (Worth mentioning: the staff here is pretty competitive so put on your game face!) Now we don’t want you walking into a tree while you read, so make sure you pick up some audiobooks or download them directly to your device from Overdrive or Hoopla! May I suggest J.R.R. Tolkien’s The Hobbit? Email me at lauren@scottpublib.org for any questions!
February/March 2021 - A Moment with Lauren
Wowza. What a winter! January seemed to fly by and now we’re entering March and Spring is right around the corner, which is almost hard to believe after the three back-to-back winter storms we had! But as I type this, it is a bright sunny 50 degree day outside, the snow is melting, the ground has a pleasant squish as it thaws, and the birds are singing more than ever! (Probably the same amount as always but I like to think they’re relieved as well.) I’m thinking of Spring and flowers and whether or not I should attempt to garden this year. I’m horribly inconsistent with maintenance but I do love plants and flowers and growing things. Which reminds me that people are also growing things, houseplants with more complicated emotions who also need water and sunlight to thrive. So this is your friendly reminder to make sure you get some! You can always reach me at lauren@scottpublib.org for any questions!
Tuesday, December 8 - A Moment with Lauren
Season Greetings!
I hope this finds you all well amid the chaos! I have to admit, I’m not prepared for it to be December at all! But I will certainly breathe a sigh of relief when this year turns into a new one. It’s kind of funny how December feels like the end of things sometimes, like standing on the edge of a diving board and when the clock strikes midnight on December 31st, we all take a collective leap into the new year. Sometimes it feels like strolling down a sidewalk, you kind of know what to expect and where your feet will land. Hopefully, many of you will know where your feet will land as we turn the corner into the new year. And if that’s not the case, it’s ok to ask for a floatie when you’re swimming in the deep end of life. (Think of me as a willing floatie provider, whenever you need me.) But before we go rushing into the new year, I hope you find the time to celebrate the holidays, however you spend it. I think I’m going to go on a hot chocolate mission and try some new flavors and take some extra time to think and a few extra moments to breathe and center myself in those pockets of joy and calm. So if you have any hot chocolate suggestions or if you could use a metaphorical floatie, email me at lauren@scottpublib.org!
Friday, November 27 - A Moment with Lauren
You are all probably aware of the multitudes of new hobbies picked up during quarantine. Bread making and baking is one, crochet or knitting may be another. Some may have learned a new art, like painting, while others may have decided to be more active and taken up working out. Or maybe you just used the time to indulge in the hobbies and skills you already have, like video games or reading. Maybe you decided to Marie Kondo your room. Personally, I started making my own bread. Nothing fancy, just regular sandwich bread but it was delightful. I also started fostering dogs for the humane society. It was something I loved doing when I was growing up and this year I finally felt like I could do it again. So what about you? Did you pick up a new hobby? How did you get started? Share your story and email me at lauren@scottpublib.org to have it posted on the teen services page.
Friday, November 20 - A Moment with Lauren
So far this year has been anything but normal. During the shutdown, my workspace was my house and let me tell you, I am not an organized person. I am also very easily distracted, so when the urge to reorganize my closet or settle in with a book I wanted to read just for me, I indulged myself. In some ways, we all need to indulge ourselves now and then but only as long as we still finish what we need to do, the things that others have asked us to do for school or work. I would share a picture of my home office but unfortunately half of my kitchen is currently in it (and that’s a boring story I won’t bore you with that involves new cabinets that led to new everything). But I would love to see what sort of work station you all have! Do you spread everything out on the dining table (my preferred method) or do you have a desk you work at? Do you work outside on nice days? (Honestly, this is my favorite, although I am easily distracted by my foster puppies. And naps.) Do you have a study buddy? (My cat likes to supervise everything.) Do you have siblings you get help from or that you help? If you would like to share how your at home work space has changed, email me at lauren@scottpublib.org.
Friday, November 13 - A Moment with Lauren
Alright everyone, do me a favor. Deep breath in. Hold it. Slow exhale. (Repeat as needed.) This year has been a whirlwind! I started as the Teen Librarian for Scott County on February 18th and by March 15th, the library shut down to prevent the spread of Covid-19. I was able to meet with my TAB officers and some of the members twice before all that happened. All of that to say, this year has been crazy and not at all what I expected! But we’re still here, a little bruised up and a lot tired. I wanted to say first of all how proud I am of all of you. This year is requiring a lot of sacrifice on your part and I know it’s not easy. I know too that you all are tired of virtual events and I really wanted to say thank you so much for still attending when you can. This teen space is here for you, just like me! So if you have some thoughts you want to share, some artwork, or book recommendations, we’d love to put those up for you! Email me at lauren@scottpublib.org.
If you need suggestions for a good book, you came to the right place. We have plenty of books you can checkout or download for free with your library card. Browse the books in our catalog. If you need suggestions, email me at Lauren@scottpublib.org.
10 Blind Dates by Ashley Elston
All Sophie wants is a little freedom from her overbearing parents. So when they decide to spend Christmas in Louisiana with her very pregnant older sister, Sophie is thrilled and can’t wait for some quality (i.e. make-out) time with her boyfriend, Griffin. But Griffin isn’t interested in quality time together, he’d rather spend some time apart – indefinitely. Heartbroken over her break-up, Sophie retreats to her grandparent’s house, where the rest of her over the top, boisterous family has gathered for the holiday. Her Nonna hatches a scheme to help Sophie out of her slump. Over the next ten days, Sophie will go on ten blind dates, all arranged by different family members. Hijinks and hysterics ensue and right when Sophie thinks she’s ready to move on, Griffin comes crawling back wanting to start again. She should be ecstatic, right? It’s not like she could have fallen for someone else in just ten days, right? Except she maybe kind of did and they maybe kind of aren’t available.
10 Blind Dates by Ashley Elston is such a fun book that focuses on the closeness of family and standing up for what you want. Sophie is challenged by each of her family dates to learn more about what she wants and where she maybe went wrong. And since it takes place over Christmas, it’s a great book to read if you really want to be immersed in the story! This book is available as an e-book on Hoopla and Overdrive and you can also grab a copy here at the library! And don’t miss 10 Truths and a Dare, the sequel novel starring Sophie’s cousin, Olivia!

Teens love coming to our library! Our Teen Advisory Board (TAB) meets monthly to plan programs for teens and allows for building social relationships and leadership skills. Any patrons 12-18 years old are encouraged to join. For more information, contact the Teen Librarian, Lauren@scottpublib.org. Please see the calendar for all teen events.
Pick Up Your Passport for a Chance to Win Summer Reading Prizes
Summer Reading 2024 is approaching, and we are getting ready for the best time of year! This year’s theme is Adventure Begins At Your Library. You will be keeping track of all the books you read with a passport, and each book will earn a stamp to show where you visited through reading. We encourage everyone to travel to far off lands, time travel to the past or future, explore other parts of the world and learn about their cultures. The youth raffle prizes this year are books, bikes and scooters to help you go places, learn, and explore. We have over 170 programs for all ages! Come and join us as we go on different adventures at the library!
See below for some Summer Reading events coming in June and July! For a complete list of events, please visit the Events Calendar.
Participate in the summer reading program at your local public library for your chance at a $529 college savings account. Your public library can win $500, too!
Teen Air-Dry Clay Crafts
Tuesday, 6/4 @ 6 pm (Ages 12-18)
Teens, come craft some air-dry clay masterpieces! Limited capacity, registration requested.
Teen Self Defense Class
Friday, 6/7 @ 5 pm (Ages 12-18)
Teens, come learn self-defense basics in this hands-on workshop! Ages 12-18. Limited Capacity. Registration requested.
Teen: Video Game Breakout Room
Tuesday, 6/11 @ 6 pm (Ages 12-18)
Beat the boss and breakout! Solve puzzles and complete quests to earn your freedom! TEENS Ages 12-18. Limited capacity, registration requested.
Teen Cubing and 3D Puzzles
Tuesday, 6/18 @ 6 pm (Ages 12-18)
Teens, test your 3D puzzles solving skills! Ages 12-18. Registration requested.
Teen Chain Mail Dice Bags
Tuesday, 6/25 @ 3 pm (Ages 12-18)
Teens create your own Chain Mail dice bag! Materials provided. Limited supplies, registration requested.
Teen: Peanut Butter Treat Braid for Primate Rescue Center
Tuesday, 7/2 @ 6 pm (Ages 12-18)
Create enrichment treat braids for the primates of the Primate Rescue Center. Peanut Butter will be used in this activity. Registration requested.
Teen Nerd Night
Tuesday, 7/9 @ 6 pm (Ages 12-18)
Teens celebrate all your favorite nerdy things! Video games, board games, cubing, movies and more! Registration requested.
Teen Summer Paint-a-Long
Tuesday, 7/16 @ 6 pm (Ages 12-18)
Teens come follow along and paint a summer themed masterpiece! Materials provided.
Stage Combat Lessons with Shakespeare & Co.
Tuesday, 7/23 @ 6 pm (Ages 12-18)
Join Shakespeare & Co for lessons on stage combat a la Shakespeare’s time!
Teen Craft-a-Palooza
Tuesday, 7/30 @ 6 pm (Ages 12-18)
Teens come explore all the crafts! Perler beads, bracelets, 3D gem stickers, and more!
Welcome to Teen Services! Teens love coming to our library! The library allows our teens a place for building social relationships and leadership skills. Any teens 12-18 years old are encouraged to get involved. Please see the event calendar for all teen events. For more information, contact the Teen Librarian at: Lauren@scottpublib.org