Art Gallery

Gui Silva


About the artist

Guilherme Silva is a native of Brazil and a former attorney in Rio de Janero. He currently is a professor of Political Science at Georgetown College, in Georgetown, Kentucky with a Ph.D in International Relations from the University of Southern California. He also holds a Law Degree and an MA in Political History, both from Brazil. Guilherme has lived in several cities: Cape Town, South Africa; Paris, France; and Los Angeles, California. He now resides in Lexington, Kentucky.

Upcoming Gallery Showing

School Daze: Installation 2
Friday, March 7th 5pm-6:30pm
This art show will feature the art of elementary students and is the second of three installations.

The Art Gallery located inside the Scott County Public Library is a unique space that provides opportunities to enhance the community’s appreciation of the arts. Curated exhibits featured in the Gallery are family-friendly, easily accessible, open to the public during regular library hours and are free of charge.

The Gallery Curator plans and facilitates two types of exhibits. Solo shows present a large body of work from one artist; while potpourri shows feature the work of a group of artists, each of whom have more limited bodies of work or experience.

For more information, view the Scott County Public Library’s Exhibits Policy

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